What we do


Strategic Advisory

Kibo Global helps companies looking to understand markets, opportunities, and risks with bespoke, end-to-end advisory solutions. Our approach is designed to help you expand your reach and deepen your understanding to make the most impactful decisions in the boardroom.


Global Project Management

Whether it’s staffing C-suite executives at Davos or APEC, building and executing new projects, or solving a thorny cross-border trade access problem in unfamiliar territory, Kibo Global will help you get the job done. We have experience operating on the ground in challenging environments as diverse as Angola, the Solomon Islands, China, and the Middle East.

Market Entry and Expansion

With deep experience and broad networks, Kibo Global has the tools to help you build the strategies necessary to go in any new market. We take care of the details, from government relationships and local partner identification, to navigating trade policy and market access implications.


Policy Tracking and
Competitive Analysis

Through our most popular service offering, Kibo Global can help you keep track of the issues, policies, and risks that matter to your business. Acting as both an issue spotter and an early warning system, we can make sure you stay on top of what matters, and know how to respond before you need to.

Stakeholder Engagement

You are only ever as strong as your relationships. Kibo Global’s insights will help you map your stakeholder exposure, and build the strategies and campaigns to engage in effective, impactful commercial diplomacy across the business and political landscape.


Training and Development

With experience in government, trade negotiations, public affairs, tech, and international business, Kibo Global’s experts can help your team unpack complex issues, and get ready for future challenges. Talk to us about our tailored courses on innovation-forward public affairs, negotiation strategy, commercial diplomacy, and global leadership development.